In 1998, President Kirwan and the Board of Trustees established the Spectroscopy Institute, as an interdisciplinary venture focused on capitalizing and coordinating OSU excellence in spectroscopy. The founding Director was Prof. Terry Miller, Ohio Eminent Scholar and Professor of Chemistry.
The mission of the Spectroscopy Institute was to solidify OSU as the world-wide center of molecular spectroscopy, build upon OSU emerging strength in ultrafast technology and bring together the appliers of these technologies with the creators of the underlying sciences. Which under the direction of Prof. Terry Miller the institute effectively served the mission bring ties between Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering.
Today under the direction of Prof. DiMauro the new institute, “Institute for Optical Science” aims to identify and facilitate OSU faculty to capitalize on national interdisciplinary initiatives in the optical sciences. The Institute for Optical Science goals are: the creation of an OSU community of multidisciplinary researchers in the optical sciences, coordinate on-campus and regional focus groups and centers that eliminate traditional academic boundaries at the research level and identifies strengths in interdisciplinary photon science research. The Institute for Optical Science accomplishes these goals through interdisciplinary workshops, seminars and schools within the OSU community.

iOS Mission Statement
The Institute for Optical Science (IOS) goals are the creation of an OSU community of multidisciplinary researchers in the optical sciences, coordinate on-campus and regional focus groups and centers that eliminate traditional academic boundaries at the research level and identifies strengths in interdisciplinary photon science research.