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The Institute for Optical Science and 10 international partner organizations have been awarded two years of additional funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to collaborate as the “…

Congratulations to the Director of the Institute for Optical Science, Lou DiMauro, whose lab has achieved The Office of Environmental Health and Safety Dean's List!

"Congratulations! The…

A Message from the Director of IOS, Lou DiMauro:

Welcome to the inaugural newsletter for the Institute for Optical Science (IOS). The IOS…

Annually, three staff persons in the Department of Physics are awarded the John G. Whitcomb Distinguished Staff Award. This award was established to recognize exceptional accomplishments,…

Members of the Institute for Optical Science were invited to a reception with OSU President Ted Carter and the President’s Cabinet in honor of Pierre Agostini’s Nobel Prize. Shortly after, IOS…

In its initial development, the NeXUS facility was overseen and operated by Ohio State’s Institute for Optical Sciences, a multidisciplinary community of researchers across campus studying and…

Join us for a two-day Extreme Light workshop at The Ohio State University! 

The workshop's objective is to open dialogue between researchers and sponsors. 

What to expect:…

The recording of Pierre Agostini's April 2nd lecture, Attos to Zeptos, is now available!

You can watch it at the link below and on our YouTube channel, at The Ohio State University-…

On Monday, March 25, 2024, the Ohio State Media crew came to the Agostini-DiMauro Lab to film in preparation for creating a new commercial to be nationally broadcast. The goal of the commercial is…