X-lites Facilities

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 The X-lites Network Facilties


ApollonApollon is a multi PW, multi beam laser facility open to the international community via a call for proposal.SFQED, particles acceleration, laboratory astrophysics, warm dense matter  
Central Laser Facility   
CXFEL - Compact X-ray Free Electron Laser   
ELI - Extreme Light Infrastructure   
Laboratory for InfraRed-driven Intense-field Science (LIRIS)LIRIS high-power mid-infrared (MIR) lasers open up new possibilities for various strong-field applications, including high harmonic generation, light filamentation in gases, and relativistic plasma physics. LIRIS has developed chirped pulse amplifiers and optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers operating within the 3–8-micron range.Light filamentation and non-perturbative harmonic generation is gases. Hard X-ray generation in liquid targets 
Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester (UR/LLE)The Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester (UR/LLE), a premier research facility dedicated to advancing the frontiers of science and technology, explores laser-driven fusion and high-energy-density physics, contributing to national security, energy independence, and scientific discovery.Fundamental and applied high-energy-density physics (HEDP), such as inertial confinement fusion, plasma physics, laboratory astrophysics, material science at extreme conditions.LLE Offers: Education and Training, Workforce Development, and access to a National Laser User Facility (NLUF)


(https://laserlab-europe.eu/ and https://lasers4.eu/)

Laserlab-Europe, bringing together 47 leading laser research infrastructures in 22 European countries, is committed to facilitating the development of advanced lasers and laser-based technologies in Europe; the majority of the members provides open access to their facilities to international scientists through the EU-funded Lasers4EU project on a large variety of topics.  
NEXT - An international network for Non-linear Extreme ultraviolet to hard X-ray TechniquesThe NEXT COST Action relies on the pioneering promising results, reported over the last decade, to create the first concerted experimental and theoretical effort aimed at implementing EUV/X-ray non-linear spectroscopies at table-top HHG and XFEL light sources. EUV/X-ray science; Non-linear optics; High Harmonic Generation and Free Electron Laser sources; Methods and instrumentation developmentSubscription link to Action
NSF NeXUSNeXUS provides access to ultrafast optical capabilities, with extreme ultraviolet probe pulses and a broad spectrum of pump pulses, coupled to a variety of end stations to support measurements of chemicals, biochemicals, and materials.XUV, femtosecond, attosecond, pump-probe, ARPES, STM, absorption, reflection, liquid sheet, photoelectronNew call for user proposals twice per year
ZEUSZEUS produces petawatt power pulses focused to ultra-high intensities that enable studies of strong-field physics, relativistic electron beams and other extreme plasma conditions in the laboratory.Strong-field physics and relativistic plasmas, laser wakefield accelerators and applications, laser driven protons, ions and neutrons, extreme laboratory astrophysics, nuclear photonics