2023 Spring Schedule
2/15/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Dr. Frank Neese (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung) | How to combine spectroscopy and quantum chemistry to get insight into transition metal based catalysis | 2015 McPherson |
2/16/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Dr. Frank Neese (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung) | Let us talk about best practice in computational chemistry | E245 Scott Lab |
2/17/2023 2:20pm -3:40pm | IOS | Dr. Frank Neese (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung) | The fascinating world of magnetic molecules and why electronic structure matters | 2015 McPherson |
3/22/2023 2:20pm -3:40pm | IOS | Dr. Aravind Asthagiri (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Ohio State University) | Understanding elementary surface reactions through surface science experiments and first-principles modeling | 2015 McPherson |
3/23/2023 2:20pm -3:40pm | IOS | Dr. Aravind Asthagiri (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Ohio State University) | Developing first-principles based microkinetic models - how the sausage is made | E245 Scott Lab |
3/24/2023 2:20pm - 3:40pm | IOS | Dr. Aravind Asthagiri (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Ohio State University) | Bridging surface science to catalysis | 2015 McPherson |
4/5/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Darrell G. Schlom (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University) | From Understanding Solids to Creating Materials | 2015 McPherson |
4/6/2023 2:20pm - 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Darrell G. Schlom (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University) | PARADIM Success Stories (+ reflections on running a national user facility dedicated to synthesis) | E245 Scott Lab |
4/7/2023 10:15am- 11:15am | IOS | Prof. Darrell G. Schlom (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University) | Frontiers of Oxide MBE | 2019 McPherson |
4/12/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff (University of Chicago) | The remarkable dynamics of bimolecular association: Protein-protein interactions and DNA hybridization | 2015 McPherson |
4/13/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff (University of Chicago) | Fundamentals of diffusion-limited bimolecular reaction dynamics | E245 Scott Lab |
4/14/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Andrei Tokmakoff (University of Chicago) | Insulin dimerization through coupled folding and binding | 2019 McPherson |
4/19/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Takashi Oka (University of Tokyo) | Non-perturbative optics in quantum materials and geometric effects | 2015 McPherson |
4/20/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Takashi Oka (University of Tokyo) | Basics of Floquet engineering of quantum materials | E245 Scott Lab |
4/21/2023 2:20pm- 3:40pm | IOS | Prof. Takashi Oka (University of Tokyo) | Dynamical responses in driven quantum materials | 2019 McPherson |
7/25/2023 10:00AM- 11:30AM | IOS | Dr. Misha Ivanov (Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany and Imperial College, London UK) | Lightwave Electronics in Trivial, Topological, and Strongly Correlated Solids | Zoom |
10/4/2023 10:00AM- 11:30AM | IOS | Prof. Franz X. Kärtner Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg, Germany Department of Physics & The Hamburg Center for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI), University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany | X-lites Talk: Enabling Technologies for X-ray FELs, Attosecond Science and THz Strong-Field Physics | Zoom |
11/17/2023 11:30am- 1:00pm | IOS | Gerard McCaul (Tulane University)
| Malleable light: From Single Atom Computing to Superspectroscopy
| Zoom & PRB 1080 |
Summer 2022
7/26/2022 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm EDT | iOS | Arvinder Sandhu (University of Arizona) | Measurement and control of electronic couplings using attosecond pump-probe techniques | Watch the recorded webinar here |
9/1/2022 from 10am to 11am EDT | iOS | Patrick Rupprecht (Max-Plank) | From femtoseconds to femtometers – controlling quantum dynamics in molecules using core-level transient absorption spectroscopy | Watch the recorded webinar here
11/9/2022 10:00am- 11:30am | iOS | Anne L'Huillier (Lund, Sweden) | Attosecond light pulses for the study of electron dynamics in matter | Watch the recorded webinar here |
Series Title: Photonics and Nanophotonics
12/3/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm EDT | iOS | Mikael Rechtsman (Penn State) | Topological Photonics | Watch the recorded webinar here |
12/10/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm EDT | iOS | Jelena Vuckovic (Stanford) | Scalable classical and quantum photonics: an optimized approach | Watch the recorded webinar here
12/17/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm EDT | iOS | Jeff Thompson (Princeton) | Quantum technologies with rare earth ions | Webinar recording available for Institute members and upon request |
1/28/2022 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm EDT | iOS | Thomas Murphy (University of Maryland) | 2D THz Optoelectronics | Watch the recorded webinar here
2/11/2022 from 10am to 11am EDT | iOS | Joyce Poon (Max Planck Inst., U. of Toronto, & Technical University of Berlin) | Silicon integrated photonics for future “computing” | Webinar recording available for Institute members and upon request |
2/18/2022 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm EDT | iOS | Nathalie de Leon (Princeton) | Correlating materials analysis with qubit measurements to systematically eliminate sources of noise | Watch the recorded webinar here |
2021 Fall Semester - Series Title: Spin Dynamics in Molecules and Materials
8/6/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | David Waldeck (University of Pittsburg) | Adventures with Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity | Zoom |
8/27/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Chunhui Du (UC San Diego) | Harnessing Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond for Next-Generation Quantum Science and Technology | Zoom
9/3/2021 from 10:00am to 11:00am | iOS | Olga Smirnova (MBI Berlin) | Ultrafast Chirality: Twisting Light to Twist Electrons | Zoom |
9/17/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Christian Back (Technical University of Munich) | Optical and Electrical Detection of Spin Orbit Fields | Zoom
2021 Spring Semester - Series Title: Frontiers in Quantum Information Science and Engineering
1/15/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | IMR | Michel Devoret (Yale University) | Error Correction of Logical Quantum Bits Encoded in a Superconducting Cavity | Zoom |
1/29/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Chris Monroe (Duke University and IonQ Inc.) | Quantum Computing with Atoms | Zoom |
2/19/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Carl Williams (National Institute of Standards and Technology) | Quantum Information Science Landscape and NIST | Zoom |
2/26/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Mikhail Lukin (Harvard University) | Exploring New Frontiers with Programmable Quantum Systems | Zoom |
3/12/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | IMR | Zhenghan Wang (University of California Santa Barbara and Microsoft Station Q) | Engineering New Physical Reality: Quantum Computing with Topological Materials | Zoom |
04/09/2021 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Brian DeMarco (University of Illinois) | Quantum Information Science and Engineering at Illinois | Zoom |
4/23/2021 from 3:45pm to 4:45pm | IMR | Scott Aaronson (University of Texas at Austin) | Quantum Computational Supremacy | Zoom |
2020 Webinar Schedule
10/23/2020 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Doug Schumacher (The Ohio State University) | Relativistic Laser Plasma Interactions, the OSU Scarlet Laser, and LaserNetUS | Zoom link on Event page |
11/20/2020 3:30pm to 4:30pm | iOS | Robert Baker (The Ohio State University) | A First for the Nation: New Ultrafast Science Facility on Campus! | Zoom link on Event page |
12/11/2020 | iOS | Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin (The Ohio State University) | Challenges and Opportunities in Training a Quantum-Ready Workforce | Zoom link on Event page |
2020 Spring Semester
1/10/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | QIS | Maciej Maska (University of Silesia, Poland) | Testing Non-Adiabatic Theories of Ultrafast Strong Field Ionization | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 |
1/17/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | iOS | Lisa Ortmann (The Ohio State University) | Testing Non-Adiabatic Theories of Ultrafast Strong Field Ionization | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 |
1/24/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | QIS | Kyle Wendt (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) | Optimal Control for the Quantum Simulation of Nuclear Dynamics | *DIFFERENT LOCATION* Physics Research Bld, Room 1080 |
1/31/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | iOS | Open | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 | |
2/7/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | QIS | Cancelled | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 | |
2/14/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | iOS | Ovidiu Costin (The Ohio State University) | The Mathematical Theory of Nonrelativistic Matter-Radiation Interaction and Results | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 |
2/21/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | QIS | Open | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 | |
2/28/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm | iOS | Open | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 | |
3/6/2020 | No seminar | Spring Break | ||
3/13/2020 CANCELLED | iOS | Maxim Shcherbakov | Shaping the spectrum of light with time-variant nanostructures | CANCELLED |
3/20/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm TO BE RESCHEDULED | iOS | Robert Baker | A First for the Nation: New Ultrafast Science Facility on Campus! | TO BE RESCHEDULED |
3/26/2020 (Thurs) 3:00pm to 4:00pm TO BE RESCHEDULED | iOS | Rajarshi Roy (University of Maryland) | Seeing the Light: Photons, Complexity and Randomness | TO BE RESCHEDULED |
4/3/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm TO BE RESCHEDULED | QIS | Kavir Dass (Air Force Research Laboratory) | Title TBA | TO BE RESCHEDULED |
4/10/2020 3:00pm to 4:00pm TO BE RESCHEDULED | iOS | Ken Singer (Case Western Reserve University) | Title TBA | TO BE RESCHEDULED |
2019 Fall Semester
10/18/2019 3:00pm to 4:00pm | Bill Plick (University of Dayton) | Quantum Weirdness and Quantum Technology | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 |
10/25/2019 3:00pm to 4:00pm | Imad Agha (University of Dayton) | Reconfigurable Photonics: Enabling Technologies for Classical and Quantum Information Processing | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 |
11/08/2019 3:00pm to 4:00pm | Paulina Kuo (NIST) | Entangled Photons for Quantum Information Applications | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 |
11/22/2019 3:00pm to 4:00pm | Maissam Barkesli (University of Mayland) | Title TBA | Physics Research Bld, Rm. 4138 |
2019 Spring Semester
11-Jan | No Seminar | |
18-Jan | Igor Adamovich (OSU College of Engineering) | Laser Diagnostics for Measurements of Electric Field and Excited Metastable Species in Nonequilibrium Plasmas and Reacting Flows |
25-Jan*** will be held in 1080 PRB | Michael Hatridge (University of Pittsburgh) | Qubit measurement with two-mode squeesed light |
1-Feb | No Seminar | |
8-Feb | Luke Bissell (Air Force Research Laboratory) | Solid state materials strategies for quantum information |
15-Feb | No Seminar | |
22-Feb | No Seminar | |
1-Mar | No Seminar | |
8-Mar | No Seminar | |
15-Mar | No Seminar | Spring Break |
22-Mar | ||
29-Mar | Burcin Bayram (Miami University) | "Time-Resolved High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy with Energetic Sodium Molecules" |
5-Apr | Eric Rowell (Texas A&M) | Mathematical Problems in Topological Quantum Computation |
12-Apr | Carlo Samson (Miami University) | Playing Around with the Coldest Thing in the Universe using Laser Beams |
19-Apr*** Note will be held in 4138PRB at 12:30pm | Gurudev Dutt (University of Pittsburgh) | |
26-Apr | Samir Bali (Miami University) | Quest for cold atom ratchets to simulate bio molecular motors |
3-May | Karthik Vishwanath (Miami University) | Quantifying Optical Coefficients of Turbid Media using Diffuse Optics |
2018 Fall Semester
30-Aug | Ruggero Caravita (CERN) | Advances towards pulsed antihydrogen production for a first antimatter gravity ement in the AEGIS experiment |
21-Sep | Dan Gauthier (Ohio State, Physics) | Introduction to Quirk – a tool for simulating quantum computers |
5-Oct | No Seminar Scheduled | |
12-Oct | No Seminar Scheduled | |
19-Oct | Imran Mirza (Miami University) | Few-photon quantum optics with cavities, emitters and waveguides |
26-Oct | Chris Ball (Ohio State, ECE) | Development of Submillimeter Wave Sensor Systems |
2-Nov | Dan Gauthier (Ohio State, Physics) | Introduction to Quirk, Part II |
9-Nov | No Seminar | |
16-Nov | Nurul Islam (Ohio State, Physics) | A brief introduction to quantum key distribution |
23-Nov | Thanksgiving Break | |
30-Nov | QIS |