Title: Measurement and control of electronic couplings using attosecond pump-probe techniques
Arvinder Sandhu, University of Arizona
Hybrid Webinar
In-person at Physics Research Building 4138 and Virtual
Abstract: This talk will explore the application of attosecond and femtosecond spectroscopy to quantify and control the electron-nuclear couplings and multielectron dynamics. In the first part of the talk I will discuss the measurement of coupled electron hole motion near the conical intersection of a polyatomic molecule. These measurement are used to quantify the strength of vibronic interactions. Then I will discuss the application of attosecond transient absorption, where we show that resonant light-induced couplings lead to the formation of autoionizing polaritons that can be stabilized using the destructive interference between autoionizing and radiative ionization pathways. The metrology of autoioinzing wave packets through Raman electron interferometry will also introduced. If time permits, I will discuss ongoing work on the development of new soft-x-ray sources, and their applications in atomic, molecular, and material sciences.
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