X-lites Early Career Working Group Gathering

April 19 2023, 10:00AM - 11:30 AM EDT
As the X-lites Project plans for the next stage, we would like to hear from you about what we could offer to help advance your career and the overall extreme light research community.
During this 1.5 hour workshop hosted by the X-lites Early Career Working Group co-leads Drs. Gemma Jiang and Caterina Vozzi, you will:
- Co-create with the project leadership team activities that are of interest to you (such as research exchange programs between Europe and the US)
- Hear about best practices and success stories in engaging with early career professionals from AttoChem in Europe
- Network with X-lites leadership team and other early career professionals
All Early Career Professionals with research focus on laser-matter coherent interactions at the highest intensities, the fastest times, and the shortest distances, i.e., extreme light, are welcome. By Early Career Professionals, we mean those pursuing an education or in the beginning stages of their careers, covering the whole spectrum from undergraduate to assistant professors or early-career professional practitioners. To honor our commitment to uplifting the next generation of scientists, we especially welcome participants from diverse backgrounds.
Please join us and help us to spread the word!
Watch the Zoom Recording here.

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