X-lites Panel Discussion: Supporting user and facility needs for “big data” and custom software

Hosted online from 10am-11:30am Eastern Time
December 7th 2022
This event is the first in a series of panel discussions designed to support and engage with staff and management at “extreme light” facilities around the world. Representatives from several international facilities will share their experience and insight on two related design and operations challenges: creating custom software and managing “big data” for their users. Custom software is required to provide the control of custom-built systems and to provide users with a means of setting up and controlling their experiments. Data that users generate must be stored, secured, and made available by the facility, but the rate of data generation can exceed typical commercial data storage and transfer solutions. Facilities must also ensure that they meet sponsor and legal requirements for data security and accessibility.
The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and present their insights.
10am - 11am EDT Panel Discussion
11am - 11:30am EDT "Water Cooler" Discussion
- Mark Holl from NSF CXFEL (US)
- Slava Leshchenko from NSF NeXUS (US)
- Rajeev Paramel Pattathil from Central Laser Facility (UK)
- Lajos Schrettner from ELI-ERIC (Hungary)

Contact Jessi Middleton (middleton.85@osu.edu) with questions.
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