X-lites Talk: Enabling Technologies for X-ray FELs, Attosecond Science and THz Strong-Field Physics
Wednesday, October 4 2023
10:00AM - 11:30 AM EDT
Prof. Franz X. Kärtner
Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg, Germany
Department of Physics & The Hamburg Center for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI), University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facilities are combined accelerator and ultrafast laser laboratories, which are in need of many advanced technologies to bring their science capabilities to its full potential. Here we discuss several of these technologies based on ultrafast lasers including large-scale femtosecond timing and synchronization based on low-jitter femtosecond lasers, cryogenic lasers to enable high energy pulsed laser systems at high average power for high repetition rate XFELs, high energy THz pulse generation and multi-pass pulse compression, scalable parametric waveform synthesis and controlled attosecond pulse generation, lightwave electronics and eventually some integrated versions of these technologies.

Bio: Franz Kärtner heads the Ultrafast Optics and X-rays Group at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science at DESY and is Professor of Physics at University of Hamburg. He received his MS and PhD degrees from Technical University of Munich in microwave engineering in 1986 and 1989, respectively. From 1991-1993, he was a Feodor-Lynen Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received the Venia Legendi in Experimental Physics from ETH Zurich in 1997. He carried out research and taught on the faculty of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology before joining DESY and University of Hamburg in 2011. His research interests include noise in classical and quantum systems, ultrashort pulse generation and its use in strong-field physics, precision timing distribution in accelerators and light sources, photonic analog-to-digital conversion as well as novel x-ray sources. In 2014, he received jointly with colleagues from DESY and Arizona State University an ERC Synergy Grant on Terahertz Driven Compact X-ray Sources. He is a fellow of OSA and IEEE and received the 2022 IEEE Laser Instrumentation Award for his innovations in femtosecond timing and synchronization of large-scale research infrastructures.
Talk Agenda:
- 10am - 11am EDT Panel Discussion
- 11am - 11:30am EDT "Water Cooler" Discussion

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