Read The New Biannual IOS Newsletter

May 16, 2024

Read The New Biannual IOS Newsletter

A Message from the Director of IOS, Lou DiMauro:

Welcome to the inaugural newsletter for the Institute for Optical Science (IOS). The IOS newsletter will be biannual and distributed to our members and past participants at IOS events. The newsletter will be our first effort in building an optics community at OSU and the region.

Much has happened over the past half year but nothing more eventful and exciting than IOS member Pierre Agostini (OSU Physics) receiving the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics. This past March, Pierre made his first visit back to OSU since the October 3, 2023 announcement by the Nobel Foundation. I can confidently state that OSU knows how to celebrate their first Nobel Laureate. It was a full month of celebration, and this issue describes these activities and has plenty of amazing photos. So why stop with one Nobel Laureate, I am delighted to announce that Anne L'Huillier (2023 Nobel recipient) will also visit OSU and give the Smith public lecture on August 16, 2024. IOS will hold another student "Meet and Greet" with Anne. Hope to see you there.

In this issue, you can read about various IOS-sponsored events. One particular event is the launch of the inaugural DoD-IOS workshop. The program has several exciting events planned and will be held on the OSU campus on July 9-10, 2024. The newsletter provides current information and all IOS members are invited to attend.

I like to extend a warm welcome to new IOS members and hope to have an opportunity to meet in person in the coming months.

My plan in the near future is to grow IOS in a way that will become more relevant to our members needs while bolstering education in the optical sciences. The workshop is one example of the former and the growth of the Optica Student Chapter at OSU is a perfect example of the latter. However, other programs will be announced in the coming months. As such, I would appreciate your feedback on possible speakers/workshops but also on what IOS activities you would like to see.


Click here to read the newsletter!