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Don't forget to register for each event! Feb 16th 2023, 10-11:30am EDT, X-lites User Facility Panel: Strategies and Tips for Operating and Maintaining an Extreme Light Optical System at…
Feel free to email to your colleagues/groups, post on your websites, and in your newsletters, etc.


If you missed the X-lites Science talk by Anne L'Huillier, you may now watch it at the link provided below

View the recording here.

Congratulations to the following students who are winners of a free 3-year membership to Optica! Bryan Orozco Dina Eissa Poulomi Chakraborty Levi Keck…
Come chat with Donna Strickland!


Monday Sept 19th from 1pm-2:30pm Pizza and drinks in the Atrium of the Physics Research Building


The OSU Optica Student Chapter…

NSF funds Ohio State as the epicenter of an international collaboration at the extremes of laser science

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the funding of a multi-institution,…

Robert Baker, associate professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Co-Director of NSF NeXUS, has been awarded a 2022-2023 Fulbright John Von Neumann Distinguished…

The Institute's Director, Dr. Louis DiMauro, was interviewed by University of Michigan students as part of the MIPSE series on Plasma Physics

Watch the interview on the MIPSE website or on…

The 3rd Attosecond School, co-organized by The Institute for Optical Science, drew all-time, historically high numbers during it's online session March 21-25, 2022.

The Attosecond School…